Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Please read and reflect on World Peace NOW! Symphony No. 1 (Composed to Mark the 30th Anniversary of International Peace Day( September 21, 1982) and the 11th Anniversary of 9/11 on September 11, 2001). Thanks!

Please read and reflect on World Peace NOW! Symphony No. 1 (Composed to Mark the 30th Anniversary of International Peace Day( September 21, 1982) and the 11th Anniversary of 9/11 on September 11, 2001). Thanks!

World Peace NOW! Symphony No. 1 (Composed to Mark the 30th Anniversary of International Day of Peace(World Peace Day) on September 21, 1982 and 11th Anniversary of 9/11 on September 11, 2001)

Scene 1 Act 1:
Curtain lifts...
Spotlight shines
On Ground Zero in New York.
World Peace NOW! Symphony No. 1 plays.

Images of 9/11;
Hiroshima and Nagasaki;
Two World Wars
And conflicts around the world
Reel on giant backdrop screen...

Ballet dancers circle
With bright lamps
As white doves fly high
Free in peace.

Multinational World Peace choir
Sings three level special effects tones
Beginning with soft sweet refrain.

I remember
The horror terror
Sympathy empathy
For families of 9/11 victims.

I recall
"America At Wall"
Across giant television screen
As eyewitness
To horrifying history
As it happened
Eleven years' ago

It shocked 
My three friends and I.
We shook 
Our heads in disbelief
Watching the twin World Trade Center towers
In flames,collapsing
 Before our eyes.

We saw Pentagon 
Building wing burning
As hijacked passenger planes
By Al Qaeda suicide bombers
Crashed into the targets
As missiles
With one plane where victims
Bravely battled the terrorists
~ Doomed to die ~
In misguided mission( to blow up The White House in Washington D.C.)
sending the aircraft crashing
Into a field.

We watched outraged
By the "Holy War"
Called by Al Qaeda's head
The late Osama Bin Laden.

We lived through
Horror movie
Of Post-modern Capitalist
Society War
That caused huge costs
In lost lives, opportunities and miseries
In Iraq and Afghanistan
And drained the US treasury
To its dire deficit status
For eleven long years.

May all think smarter
And learn faster
The vital valuable bitter lessons
To know how to build World Peace NOW!
From the Al Qaeda Wars;
The two World Wars;
The Hiroshima and Nagasaki Atom Bombs
And Conflicts around the world.

Amid the buzz threat
To attack and knock out
Iran's Nuclear Program,
Can there be better

Scene Two Act Two:
Spotlight turns on symphony orchestra with piano and violins, cellos trumpets and other musical instruments resonating strong call as bells toll.
Two lead singers - male and female - ring out
urgent call "Hear This Call"...

Hear This Call

Hear this call
To all
To think smarter
And work wiser
For World Peace NOW!
And age with grace
Before the final curtain fall.

Delight draw
Enthrall all
To The Light
Shining the sword
Of The Lord
To cut the chains
That cause the pains,
Sorrow, fears and tears
Of the horror terror
Of War.

Whatever the carnival
Must end.
However good the friend
Must part.
Whoever great or humble
Grand or remarkable
Must depart ~
In Peace or War.

So sigh not
We must die.

Just try
To remember
The happy kisses
Sweet surprises
In clear eyes
To treasure the peaches
Of joy
We can in our short life

Now that the sun 
Is setting
We must mind
How we must be getting
On in year
 One by one
Marking eventual departure
From life's stage and strife
As nature
Shows all living things
Must return to dust
On death.

Let us preserve
Conserve reserve
What must matter
Most when
Our lives are done
As legacies deserving
Of our time space
Face pace
On earth.

Let the head
Rule true
In mind 
Over matter.

Let the heart
Heal real
With WISDOM weal.

Free the spirit
From evil
To fly high
Beyond the sky
Above races, religions, nations,
Elections, factions and directions
To transcend
Time prime
Space grace,
And mortality 
Temporal reality

Please sow the seeds
Of World Peace NOW!

Kindly show the deeds
To energize and realize
Universal Love Global Humanity
In true evergreen dream ~
World Harmony.

So do what is best.
Go give the best
For World Peace NOW!
To work together
For the benefit
Of present and future generations.

Please preach
To understand
To distinguish
To dare share care
For wisdom and virtue.

Pray know show:

1. What is glory and vainglory
2. What is right and wrong.
3. What is true and false.
4. What is good and bad.
5. What is beautiful and ugly.
6. What is just(fair) and unjust(unfair).
7.What is wise and unwise.
8.What is  worthy and unworthy.
9.What is humane and inhumane.
10.What is strong and weak.
11.What is light and darkness.
12.What is love and hate.
13.What is grace and disgrace.
14.What is peace and war.
15.What is ease and hardship.
16. What is happiness and sadness.
17. What is order and chaos.
18.What is tranquility and tumult.
19.What is birth and death.
20. What is joy and sorrow.

Hear this call
For World Peace NOW!

Scene Three Act Three:
Spotlight rotates on beautiful earth as sphere without borders seen from outer space...

Choir sings chorus "World Peace NOW! Is Possible"

World Peace Now! Is Possible.

World Peace NOW! Is Possible
When we can
To eliminate
The source of scourge
Of negative spiral
Of violence.

We can
Who cause
The pain of parting
The sorrow of fighting
The horror terror
Of anguish and suffering.

Now can we think of how

When we can
To loftiest heights
Selfish gain
We shall see
The marvel
Of true World Peace NOW!

Now can we think smarter and work wiser for World Peace NOW?

When we can
Without ill-starred plight
We shall see the light
And be free
To enjoy
The fruits
Of Goodness,
And Joy
In real peace
At ease.

Now why not stop the killing and start
sowing seeds of goodness, kindness, happiness and joy?

When we can
We shall share
World Peace NOW!
Full of mirth
On earth.

Now can we love and be loved in World Peace NOW?

When we can
To war grave
We shall live
And give
Humanity with humility
Causing change
In virtuous cycle
For good food
For global thought and action
To build Fantastic
Future World
Celebrating World Peace,
Happiness and Joy
In Harmony with humanity
On earth and space time
Forever and ever.

Now can we build together 
Fantastic Future World
Without War?

Hear this call
For all
To think smarter
And work wiser
For World Peace NOW!

Come delight draw
Enthrall all
To safeguard humanity
By acting together
In amity
To prevent destruction
Or extinction of mankind
From insane conflicts
Like nuclear war.

Hear this call
For all
To promote, strengthen and establish
World Peace NOW!
To live and give LOVE LIGHT LIFE
As global citizens
Of Higher Civilization of Light
In peaceful co-existence and non-violence.

Build World Peace NOW!