Friday, November 26, 2010

Dare I Air

Dare I air
the public grouses
the global woes
now sweeping the world
to awaken the consciousness
conscience of mankind to thankfulness.

Like fishes swimming against the stream
will my voice rise above the masses
rare as gold
rousing millions of sufferers
out of sleep.

Will the truth be known
that right will triumph
over might
no matter how
numbskull media
make people dupes
following unquestioningly
the dictates and objectives
of billionaire owners
working hand in glove
with political masters
seeking to stay in power
with no shame.

Can I speak out loud
to doubt
the magical spells ~
the drone of flies...

Can I grasp the meanings
of fast emerging trends
and help people understand
What I have found and propound
profound the vision
of a better,brighter and greater world
promoting global humanity
rooted in

Will I share the care
the grave concern
to prevail
in life's essence
strengthening Truth,
and Benevolence
as Cardinal Principles
for enlightened human civilization
light fire inspire
generations after generations
towards new heights of achievements.

May I dispel
the web that like a net cage
imprisons slaves
to the Lords of lies!

So I sing this humble poem
on Thanksgiving Day on November 26,2010
amid overcast global outlook
as Ireland suffers Irish Crisis
and the ire
of disillusioned citizens
ANGRY at a government
on the verge
of falling apart.

Ireland,the Celtic Tiger
faces sovereign debt burden
economic collapse
in this Year of Tiger.

The European Union(EU)
and International Monetary Fund(IMF)
are rushing multi-billion euro rescue
bailout package
to keep it afloat.

Ireland's sovereign debts
have reached unsustainable level
after historic property and bank busts ~
the third national bankruptcy
after Iceland and Greece (May 2010 Euro 110 billion
Emergency Bailout Rescue).

What lessons can we learn
from the root causes
of the rapid collapse
of nations one after another
in the current gloom doom
of 2010 Global Meltdown 2
linked to mountains of debts
that have piled and spun
out of control of governments
in huge geopolitical economic
financial earthquakes.

2010 I think is
The Year of Cataclysm
when the earth quaked (Haiti,Chile,Qinghai and Indonesia),
the wind and rain lashed
in tempestuous torrents flooding nations
(Fiji,Australia,Pakistan,Southern China and Thailand)
and Volcanoes erupted(Iceland and Indonesia).

Now the Harsh Realities
have hit hard:
being offered to cure ills
built up over many years
of excess and extravagence.

Jobless queues grow longer by the day
in Ireland reminiscent of the hardships
of the 1930s' Great Depression in the USA.

Dare I air
the crux of the matter
the shit in the hair
that big banks must take
huge haircuts
to clean up the mess.

Can I share
the next chapter in this unfolding story
of tumultuous human and national crises
that may spread like the H1N1 influenza
In fierce PIIGS(Portugal,Ireland,Italy,Greece and Spain)
contagion to neighboring regions and other
vulnerable places and societies
to transform all
on earth?

So better
control your debts
before your debts
control you.

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